The vintage: the old is in fashion

Vintage in its full meaning means old. When this trend of reusing old clothes or used clothes arose, it caused some rejection in the most chic sectors of society.The truth is that vintage fashion is more exclusive and special than many haute couture garments from Paris or New York. Vintage garments are exclusive garments and most importantly with history. It is not about cheap second-hand clothes, in vintage stores you can find exclusive clothes from Chanel, Dior, Balenciaga and other big fashion houses.

It is not necessary that you dress from head to toe as if it were from your grandmother’s time, the well-understood trend is to integrate vintage garments into your usual look to give your appearance a point of exclusivity. The newly born hipster aesthetic understands what it means to dress vintage.

Vintage inspires trends

  • Floral prints or navy fashion are vintage-inspired. Fashion is cyclical and reinvents itself and although now we wear the sailor style with jeans, before the great divas like Brigitte Bardot in ‘El desengaño’ and long before the great Coco Chanel, had created it by observing the captains and sailors.
  • The dresses we saw in Grease left us shocked. Sandy and her friends looked like true prom queens in pastel colors, dresses that were waisted at the waist and flared, a lot of flare on the skirt. Now we can find these models, for example, at vintage fairs, one is being held in Madrid next weekend. Another characteristic of vintage is that it is a way of life, it involves taking a walk, looking, comparing clothes and, above all, learning about the history of fashion through the wonderful clothes rescued from another era.
  • The famous horn-rimmed glasses that are now so fashionable, they were made fashionable in his day by the great Woody Allen. Something that seemed shabby and old has been copied from Ray-Ban to Mango and today it is a very widespread and flattering trend, defended by celebrities such as Zooey Deschanel, Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Alba and many others who have decided to wear glasses.
  • In makeup and hair there is also a clear Vintage influence. Straight bangs, famous in this spring-summer 2013 season, were already worn by Jane Birkin walking through the streets of London with Serge Gainsbourg. Also the collected with carding and even kohl line If we go back to the beginning of time, Queen Cleopatra made it fashionable. The vintage atmosphere surrounds everything.

How to dress Vintage

  • You can combine the old with the new and achieve that harmony that we talked about before. To go to work you can combine jeans with a vintage baby neck blouse, a blazer, high heels and of course some vintage accessory, or make your bag or scarf, necklace, earrings or glasses vintage.
  • A little black dress like Audrey Hephburn’s is a good basic that has lasted since she wore it in ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’. Coco Chanel’s design is so timeless that today you can take it to a dinner or a company cocktail. If walking through the Vintage fashion fair in Madrid or any Portobello market in London you find one, do not hesitate to buy it.
  • Sunglasses are also a good buy at a vintage fair. Cat-eye glasses, like the ones worn by great divas like Grace Kelly in movies from the golden years of Hollywood, are totally contemporary and above all chic. You can go to a festival or shopping with them and look with that air of modern classy typical of the hipster aesthetic.
  • Who tries vintage culture repeats. Fashion is cyclical and our advice is to take a walk through fairs and vintage stores, if you don’t buy clothes, at least find a lot of curious stories to tell, because the old has a life of its own and vintage fashion is fashion with history.

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