Style commandments to dress like an instagramer

When we see these amazing Instagrammers in their photos, we all think: “it looks good on her, but I’m sure I’ll wear it myself and it’s not that cool”. That’s because they also have their little tricks so that their looks turn out to be 10. Do you want to meet them? Well, we tell you the style commandments to dress like an Instagramer.

Surely it has ever happened to you that you have seen a look on Instagram or in a blog that you loved, you have gone to buy it at the store and when you have put it on or seen it up close, you have been disappointed. All this is due to the tricks that instagramers have when photographing themselves with the chosen outfits. If you want to look like one of them, we are going to give you the necessary commandments to give your clothes that characteristic vibe of the it girls.

Tricks to dress like an instagramer

  1. You will combine your sunglasses as if it were your clothes

One of the basic points of any self-respecting it is to wear appropriate sunglasses for the look shown in the photograph. Lately, the mirror ones are the ones that succeed due to the game that the reflections give in them when photographing themselves. Do not think about it, get some like Lady Addict’s.

  1. You will wear a denim jacket with clothing and sportswear

And if it’s oversize, even better. It can never be missing from your suitcase because the denim jacket adds a touch to any look: bohemian, rock, dressy…

  1. The jacket or coat must always go on the shoulders

Yes. We already know that in winter it is difficult to wear your outerwear as a layer because it is very cold and the temperature rules. But they do it to take the photo.

  1. You will wear your basic garments in an original and groundbreaking way.

Therein lies the success of many instagramers, originality when it comes to dressing. And to be original, it is not necessary to spend a fortune on clothes. You can take your basic cardigan and put it on with the buttons back or tie your white shirt at the waist.

  1. You will dress your head

The star item of bloggers and instagramers has always been the hat. A hat will add that chic touch to any outfit, however basic it may be. But you can also dress your head in an original way with bandanas, scarves, hats, turbans…

  1. You will show ankle

Every self-respecting it girl shows her ankles when she wears pants or jeans. Do not cut yourself and give it a spin to roll up your sleeves. Is it cold to bring your ankles to the air? Well, show the socks, yes, that they are beautiful and match your outfit. If they are grid, better than better. See how Moda Tutkusu does it.

  1. You will wear screen-printed t-shirts

Wear basic screen-printed t-shirts or with messages and combine them with skirts or pants. If they are short-sleeved, turn the sleeve up for that chic blogger touch.

  1. You will abuse the overlaps.

Now that we are in winter, this fashion will be great for you. Put on your T-shirt, on top of your shirt, on top of your fat sweater and on top of your cloth coat. Now you are ready to take pictures! And in summer? Very simple: put on your basic white t-shirt and over it a top or a slip dress in the purest 90s style. You will succeed!

  1. You will not wear a bra and if you do, you will show it

Among the instagramers a very comfortable formula has become fashionable and this is to go without a bra. It is well seen and even it is. But let’s not kid ourselves, not everyone can afford to do without a bra. If you are one of those who have to wear it, do not hesitate to wear a lingerie and show it in a subtle way.

  1. You will use very original clothes

And we return to the maximum of the instagramers: draw attention to their style. The ideal is to use a garment that stands out for its originality, either because of the fabric or the print, and combine it with basics.

Extra tips to be a stylish instagramer 

You already have the main tips you need to look like an instagramer, but here we leave you with some extra ones.

  • You will mix prints. Yes, yes… As you hear it. The last thing is to mix flowers with stripes, or polka dots with squares. But in order not to look like a painting yourself, the trick is that these prints have the same shades.
  • You will be monochrome. One of the tricks of the instagramers is to dress in the same color, but in different intensities. Another trick, along the same lines, is the so-called sandwich theory; that is to say, that it sends a color and introduces a small detail of another color in between.
  • You will wear ripped jeans. And the more broken, the better because the look will have more vibe.
  • You will masculinize your most feminine outfits. The most in thing is to put on a very feminine dress or put on a skirt and combine it with masculine shoes, such as bluchers or moccasins. You can also do it in reverse, put on a masculine suit and put on some stilettos.
  • You will show your back. The garments that leave the back exposed are the chicest as well as elegant and original. Do not hesitate and show your back in your looks.
  • You will tighten your belt. And we are not talking about the economy, precisely. If you want to renew that basic dress or that cloth coat that has been in your closet for years, do not hesitate to put a belt on top, you will give it another air and it will look like new.

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