An octogenarian, a new icon of street style

Ali is an 83-year-old Turk who live in Berlin. He worked all his life as a doctor and up to that point, all the data on his biography. However, this grandfather is the new icon of street style. Fate had a late success in store for him as the vast world of fashion blogging is revolutionized by Ali’s style.

Ali, star of a popular fashion blog 

  • What has this octogenarian done to be a trendsetter? Easy, nothing more than passing in front of a Berlin cafeteria day after day. Coincidence of fate, Zoe Spatow, an Australian photographer who worked in this place, began to notice this grandfather since every day, she wore a different outfit and loaded with a modern and personal style.
  • Impeccable suits with an elegant style, urban looks, hats, camouflage clothing, daring red outfits… Every day Ali wore clothing worthy of being photographed. Spatow, attracted by such a display of style, began to take photos of her to immortalize Ali’s different, well-cared and well-thought-out looks. The Australian decided to create a blog and publish all these photos. Thus was born: What Ali Wore.
  • Currently, this blog has 120,000 visits per day and is at the forefront of the blogs that reflect the street style of anonymous people who swarm around any city. One of the reasons for the success is the expectation that has been generated to see what new clothing the Turk will wear.
  • Ali agreed to the creation of the blog, on one condition: not to reveal his last name or information about his life. And it is that Ali is part of the underground economy and still works six days a week. We know nothing of the life of this octogenarian, but his style speaks for itself.

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